
Future Light Africa generates evidence-based insights and recommendations for policymakers to ensure that all children in Sub Sahara Africa survive, thrive and are protected. Our policy team educates and cultivates political leadership to adopt proven practices, policies and programs for the Africa’s most vulnerable children, families and communities. And our advocacy enables us to disseminate knowledge and effective practices to help the vunerale children and families.

Through partnership and advocacy, we hve been working hard to build the political will to drive policy change at the community, local and national levels.
It is time we all speak out against under representation and policies which do not take into cognisance the warefare and rights on the vunerable and under priviledged in Africa. The international laws in place to protect these groups have always count for nothing. Unless our leaders understand that the public refuses to accept these wrongs, we’ll continue to fail an entire generation.

Together we can build a global movement to stand with the millions of children and families in danger. By calling for change from governments, and by supporting Future Light Africa. We can make a practical difference if we dare to try.

Join our campaign now.