
Our Volunteers

Support Staff
Advocacy And Finace
Angela Geshon
support Staff
Educational Suport
Jane Arthur
Support Staff
Relief Support
Eric Lawson
Support Staff
Educational Support
Nick Quarshie
Supoort Staff
Community Support
Aaron Asare
Support Staff
Stella Kalista
Support Staff
Support Staff
Bernice Boateng
Support Staff
Communities Coordinator
Afua Solomon
Support Staff
ICT Volunteer
Eric Boateng
support staff
Relief Support
Michael Clottey
support staff
support staff
Patricia Brown
Support Staff
Support Staff
Derrick Bediako

Frequently Asked Questions

How to be a volunteer?

Future Light Africa Welcomes volunteers from all over the world. There are lots of community work to be done expecially in the rural communities in west Africa. if you have in mind to support this endeavour please kindly get in touch with us by email or through our social media handle. thank you.

What should you know before apply

Application procss is very straight forward and simple. you can volunteer your time and resources. Get in touch with us and let us know how your you can make a difference.

Information about application process

Get in touch with Future Light Africa by email to work you through the application or the volunteering process.

How much time do I need to volunteer?

This is really up to you. You can find volunteering opportunities that only take one hour per month, to five days a week – or more.

Some roles are for one-off events, some are short term and others might need a six month commitment.

You can volunteer at any time of the week, day or night. While much volunteering takes place in office hours, you can volunteer at evenings and weekends too, again depending on what you want to do.

instead of your time and presence, you may also opt to volunteer your finacial or material resources to faciliate some of our projects.

What Skill do i need to Volunteer?

The skills required for a role depends on the opportunity and the nature of the project.
For some roles, there is no specific set of skills required and we only look for enthusiasm, commitment and workplace values. The role requirements will be clearly stated in the role description.

Can I volunteer together with my friends?

Yes, you can.

There are less opportunities for group volunteering but some examples of where it can work is practical conservation, fundraising and events.

Become a volunteer

Join us today and make a difference

Our food security and livelihoods programs aim to empower vulnerable communities to improve their access to food, income, and markets. We train and build the capacity of young adult and small scale entrepreneurs to be self sustaining.